Saturday, April 4, 2009

Chef Education

Chef Education - Food Preparation Guidelines

Listening to and incorporating Cooking tips is sometimes the thing you need in order to be a great cook regardless of the chef school you attend. Undoubtedly, cooking suggestions help cut down on preparation time and make side dishes simpler. You don't have to have the most practice and experience or wealth of knowledge to succeed with your chef education when you pay attention to the tips and small suggestions. This article will offer beginning cooking suggestions as a foundation for your chef training.

Safety in the Kitchen

If you truly want your dishes to taste their best, you should make sure that it is fresh. When shopping in the supermarket or produce market, make sure you view each item you buy, checking it for freshness or ripeness. While many packaged foods include an expiration date located on the container, most foods such as fruits and vegetables, must be looked over individually. One of the chef skills you want to be able to develop is the ability to become familiar with general produce and the art of spotting top quality, fresh products in your local grocery. As far as meats go, make sure that the meats (beef, poultry and fish) you purchase are fresh. Refrigerating all the meats until you are done with them and cleaning all utensils that come in contact with the meat are two other additional tips.

Before you serve meat, make sure that it is been cooked to the recommended temperature. Cooking thermometers will help you check that your cooked foods have reached a temperature of at least 140 F. Similarly, foods that are chilled should always be stored in the refrigerator at less than 40 degrees F.

It All Gets Easier With the Correct Tools

Any good mechanic will use the proper tools to fix a car. Thus, a good cooking suggestion to facilitate your chef education is to likewise keep the right items in your kitchen to help you create dishes easily and properly. A few examples of these include a good set of knives, pots, pans, measuring cups, and a blender or food processor.

Healthy - Low Fat Food Preparation

Many cooks believe that low fat food is automatically tasteless. But in truth, with the proper chef education, low fat cooking can be full of color and flavor. A few simple tricks to make your dishes taste their best include adding plenty of fresh spices and herbs, including olive oil, and always thinking your dish through carefully. It is fairly simple to make most meals low fat, through simply using lean cuts of beef or pork and through cutting back on the oil you use. Generally chicken, turkey, and fish are great options for any low fat dishes, and you will likely save calories also.

Selecting What to Drink

As a final cooking suggestion, always remember that meals include beverages as a well as food. Even an otherwise dull meal can be spiced up with a great beverage. The next time your meal seems incomplete, try adding wine, mineral water, or a cocktail.

When pursuing a chef education it is important that you have a basic foundation to build your chef skills on.

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